So I arrive home to find a sick Cockatiel who is breathing her last breaths. I hated that thing but I took the best care of it as I could. She was old, cranky, and I was bittersweet about her soon coming demise. I stayed up with her as long as I could until I couldn’t stand to see her pain anymore. No vet could comfort her now, she was going to die. I went to bed that night, weeping silently. The next morning I found her leaning against her cage; she had passed in the night. I found a small box to put her into; her small body wrapped in a piece of cloth to make her comfortable. I buried her outside my future husband’s garage.
I cried, the rest of the world celebrated. She was hated by everyone and she hated them.
My wedding was fast approaching and I didn’t have time for a new pet; then I met Gary. I couldn’t think of a more awful name for a bird but once named I could never change it. Most of his feathers were missing, he still fed from a syringe, but he was such a cute little bugger…
And darn it we fell in love with him. My poor little cockatiel had left my mind and Gary replaced her. This is where my shenanigans start…